Proparco / AFD



The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and its subsidiary Proparco have supported the growth of financial inclusion, particularly on the African continent. Today they are actively involved in financing and supporting financial institutions and sector regulators to build long-term sustainable economic, social and environmental trajectories that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

General information

L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD) et sa filiale Proparco ont accompagné l'essor de l'inclusion financière, notamment sur le continent africain. Aujourd'hui, elles participent activement au financement et à l'accompagnement des institutions financières et des régulateurs du secteur pour construire des trajectoires économiques, sociales et environnementales durables sur le long terme, contribuant à l'atteinte des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD).
Country of origin

Contact person

Laurence Bottin

Investors information

Type of financed institutions
TIER 1 MFITIER 2 MFIBanquesMicrofinance fundsImpact investment fund
Types and timeframe of funding instruments
0-3 year debt4-7 year debtEquity
Amount of African MFIs already in your portfolio
More than 20
Priority investment areas
French speaking AfricaEnglish speaking Africa
Examples of financed MFIs
Enda Tamweel Tunisie, Advans Holding, PAMECAS Sénégal, AB Bank Zambia
EURUSDLocal currency
Eligibility criteria for MFIs
Minimum equity 8 M EUR
Benefits of doing business with your organisation
technical assistance programs, we can support with portfoio guarantees, important network of clients
Minimum amount invested (in EUR)

Social media

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