MAIN Transparency Award

MAIN Transparency Award

Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM · 3 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Lome)
Hôtel 2 Février - RDC (G) - Dôme Evala
Invitation only


As part of its work on promoting transparency in the microfinance sector, the MAIN network offers its members the opportunity to commit to a transparency pact. The purpose of the pact is to encourage institutions to move towards sustainable transparency, by committing to the implementation of financial and social transparency policies that include provisions on informing, protecting and financially educating customers, and by taking the necessary steps to produce and disseminate information relating to their activities in accordance with the provisions of the pact and recommended standards.

The MAIN Transparency Award is an event organised by the MAIN network and rewards institutions committed to transparency. A set of criteria is applied when evaluating each institution's transparency practices, with different levels of awards possible.


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