SIDI, a solidarity investor founded in 1983, celebrates its 40th birthday

SIDI, a solidarity investor founded in 1983, celebrates its 40th birthday

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM · 2 hr. (Africa/Lome)
Hotel 2 Février - 1st floor - Fazao
Social event
Invitation only


Update: The cocktail party organised by SIDI has been moved to the Fazao room.

To celebrate this birthday, the SIDI team is inviting its partners at SAM to join them for drinks by the swimming pool of the Hôtel du 2 septembre at 6pm on Tuesday 17 October. This will provide an opportunity to present SIDI's innovative intervention model, which sets it apart in the inclusive finance sector. We will also use the event as an opportunity to present our operational structure, including our two new representative offices in Africa, in Kampala (Uganda) and Lomé (Togo).

Over the last 40 years, SIDI has forged partnerships with a large number of African institutions through its various instruments: equity investments, loans (particularly via the FEFISOL fund) and support. We will look back at the progress made with some of these institutions while opening up the possibility of new collaborations.


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