The Client Protection Pathway and its benefits for Sub-Saharan Africa

The Client Protection Pathway and its benefits for Sub-Saharan Africa

Only 1 seats left
Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM · 3 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Lome)
Hôtel 2 Février - Ground (G) - Concorde room
Training session
Public with registration


First, do no harm.

Socially responsible, inclusive financial services should ultimately help clients to thrive—to meet daily needs, take advantage of opportunities, manage life’s risks, and pursue their dreams. But at a minimum, financial services should do no harm. Financial service providers have an obligation to ensure that their products and services avoid harming clients.

The Client Protection Pathway describes the steps that a financial service provider can take to implement the client protection practices necessary to avoid harming clients and communicate this progress to investors.

Join us to learn how the Client Protection Pathway can support your work!


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