The CIF Movement, with more than 5,000,000 customers in Western Africa: what is its contribution to social inclusion and justice?

The CIF Movement, with more than 5,000,000 customers in Western Africa: what is its contribution to social inclusion and justice?

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Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Lome)
Hôtel 2 Février - 1st floor - Keran room
Public with registration


The CIF Movement is a tool that supports sub-regional integration at the grassroots level in Western Africa with more than 5 million customers, 35% of whom are farmers, 45% of whom are women and 25% of whom are young people.

Its 5,000 employees, 49% of whom are women, work on a daily basis to promote financial and social inclusion in Western Africa, mainly through training, financial education, savings and lending programmes.

This is an integrated movement involving six financial cooperatives from five countries (FECECAM-Benin, FCPB-Burkina Faso, Kafo Jiginew and Nyèsigiso from Mali, UM-PAMECAS from Senegal and FUCEC-Togo) with Côte d’Ivoire joining soon, four life insurance companies (CIF-VIE Benin, CIF-VIE Burkina, CIF-VIE Mali and CIF-VIE Togo) and a regional bank (LA FINAO).

Structure of the event:

  • Presentation of the CIF Movement,
  • Presentation of the CIF Movement's actions and their impact in Western Africa
  • Outlook
  • Discussion

Whether you are an impact investor, a technology provider or a non-governmental organisation, the CIF Movement is open to any partnership seeking to step up its work on improving people’s living conditions with a view to promoting social inclusion and justice in Western Africa.


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