From Insight to Impact: Enabling Green Inclusive Finance through Needs Assessment and Impact Measurement

From Insight to Impact: Enabling Green Inclusive Finance through Needs Assessment and Impact Measurement

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Monday, October 16, 2023 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM · 3 hr. (Africa/Lome)
Hôtel 2 Février - 1st floor - Adjifo room
Public with registration


Climate-smart finance products address social challenges while fostering the resilience of vulnerable populations. Microfinance institutions that aim to design and deliver these products require a profound understanding of the needs and demands of their end clients and monitoring systems to track their impact. This workshop aims to equip participants with the necessary skills in methodologies for needs and baseline assessment. It will cover theoretical, practical, and technical aspects of data collection at the client level and related impact data management for the design of green inclusive finance programs.

The workshop will explore various topics, including:

- International standards are particularly relevant to climate-smart finance, such as frameworks for measuring energy access, food security, drinking water, hygiene and sanitation supply, multidimensional poverty measurement, and women's empowerment in agriculture.

- Digital by design: Leveraging digital solutions for efficient and high-quality customer-centric data collection.

- Best practices in impact data management for impact assessment, monitoring, and reporting.

Target Audience: This workshop is intended for individuals in microfinance management, environmental and social responsibility, and credit operations departments.


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